Monday, October 18, 2021

I have completed my mission.

It's been a while since I gave an update.

As I knew I was coming to the end, for some reason I didn't rush into scanning the last one. Since I have written the last blog post, I have done the following -

Hosted a monthly catch up of the vintage computer users here in Australia

You can watch them here

Fixed my Commodore Magic Voice Cart (needed a new 6525 chip)

Ordered a Mega 65 (not really a "task" so to speak)

Recapped more Macs

Repaired multiple eject mechanisms for Apple 3.5" Disk Drives

Received a PiTrex and played with it (neat!)

So plenty of retro based stuff that I have not properly documented on a blog like I had hoped.

So finally, Its the 19th of the month and I finally scanned all the damn mags! Today marks the end of the quest to complete this task. Here they are in the box as I received them all.

As I read through Vol 14 Issue 1, I really did wonder what happened to this club. As this issue contained the membership renewal form, I imagine that this was the time that Phil decided to NOT renew his membership.

How much longer did this club go on? What happened? I'd like to know. Its possible this was one of the last issues.

Anyway. I am content to say the RetroChallenge did motivate me. I'll be keeping an eye on the next one and maybe I might try something different. I have a hardware project I have put in the too hard basket for a long time I would not mind trying.

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I have completed my mission.

It's been a while since I gave an update. As I knew I was coming to the end, for some reason I didn't rush into scanning the last on...